Licensee: "You"
Licensor: "VGM Library"
Production / Video Game License covers: "Your Game"
Lets keep this simple.
Agreement dated (day of purchase from website) and between VGMLibrary and You.
Licensee (herein referred to as "You") may use the music purchased via vgmlibrary.com royalty-free in as many projects as you wish forever but are limited to video games ONLY. If You wish to obtain a license for any other kind of production (TV, commercial, web-video, visual synch etc) please email info@vgmlibrary.com.
You may use it in a commercial or non-commercial game.
You agree to credit "Music Courtesy of VGMLibrary.com" where appropriate and easily visible.
You may also use the music in any advertisements or trailers associated with Your Game but may not monetize any content uploaded to Youtube or any online streaming platforms using these songs since it will conflict with a music fingerprinting service we use to protect our catalog. All VGM Library songs are already registered and will generate audio-portion monetized ad revenue for VGM Library. This is how we offset the small upfront fees we charge for licensing the songs in the first place.
You may not include these songs on any soundtrack release or stream it on any music streaming platform in association with Your Game. You agree that the exclusive rights to do so remains with VGM Library.
Purchasing these songs officially creates a binding legal contract between You and VGM Library and You agree any breach of contract or use of music not covered in this license nullifies this agreement and is legally enforceable in accordance with the laws in a Canadian British Columbia Court of Law.
If You do not agree to these conditions or would like a different license type please do not purchase the music. Contact us first at info@vgmlibrary.com and we can custom tailor an agreement.
Thank you for licensing from VGM Library and we wish you the best of luck with Your Game!!!
Contact: info@vgmlibrary.com